Men’s Ministry

Men’s Ministries Goals and Mission Statement 2020-2021

Theme Verse

“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”  Proverbs 27:17

Mission Statement

Men encouraging one another to serve God, family, community and each other as empowered by the Holy Spirit and instructed from God’s Word.


  1. Pray for our brothers in Christ.
  2. Evangelize our unsaved friends.
  3. Apply our gifts and abilities to build the Kingdom of God.
  4. Demonstrate Compassion to the widows and orphans through practical acts of kindness.
  5. Develop Godly Husbands and Fathers.
  6. Become better Churchmen.


Men’s Bible Study every Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm

Sep  12Prayer Breakfast8 am
Oct. 10    NO Prayer Breakfast
Nov 14   Cut trees down Lunch
Dec 12    Prayer Breakfast 8 am
Jan 9 Prayer Breakfast8 am
Feb 13 Prayer Breakfast8 am
Mar 13 Prayer Breakfast8 am
Apr 10 Prayer Breakfast8 am
May 8 Prayer Breakfast8 am
Jun 12 Prayer Breakfast8 am
Jul 10 Prayer Breakfast8 am
Aug 14Prayer Breakfast8 am

Men’s Breakfast/Fellowship every Thursday at 8:00 am @ The Bowling Alley

Men’s Council

Director:  Dave Holton

Les Loucks
Dave Felty              
Chuck Ryan
Rich Curtis    
Rudy Garcia    
Zach Brooks